Last Updated on August 31, 2020

Linking your sex drive with your deodorant use might sound a bit far stretched but bear with me for a few minutes and let me explain. What’s in your skincare can affect your health.

You see, your skin is alive, it is your biggest organ and acts as the main barrier protecting you from outside factors. Your skin is affected by your environment, your health, the food you eat, and much more.

But here’s the catch, whatever you put on your skin gets absorbed. Think of it for a second, when you apply let’s say nicotine or a hormonal patch on your skin, how do you think it gets to your bloodstream? Through the permeability of your skin.

So now that we agree that what you put on your skin goes in let’s take a closer look at your smelly pits.


One of the functions behind having hairy pits is that it contributes to your attraction power through sweating and releasing sex pheromones. That delicious aroma is a by-product of the microbial fermentation that happens in the damp creases of the body. It gives out a lot of information about you.

In other words, your underarm smell has a significant role in attracting and keeping a partner.

Sweating is good. Antiperspirants block the ducts, clog your pores and prevent you from sweating. Thus, they are not doing you a favor.

But beyond the fact that they are blocking you from sending critical “messages” to the outside world, the stuff that they are made of is pretty bad.


Let’s take a look at some of the most common ingredients in a regular deodorant.

1. Aluminum.

Aluminum is a carcinogenic and has been shown to interfere with the estrogen level in the body. Those salts can cause the skin cells to clog or even swell and shut off. Many studies have linked health issues with aluminum.

2. Propylene glycol.

Also known as the antifreeze, it is a synthetic product derived from petroleum. Petroleum products are classified as xenoestrogens (which means they are estrogen mimic) and can’t be metabolized. They are linked to estrogen dominance and make hormonal imbalances worse.

3. Parabens.

Parabens are used in many skincare as a preservative. Unfortunately, it is a harmful additive. Parabens also act like estrogen in your body, which disrupts hormonal balances and has been linked to breast cancer and prostate cancer.

4. Triclosan.

To put it bluntly, triclosan is a pesticide. In men, it may interfere with the production of sperm. It can also affect sperm health and testicular health. It also messes up with hormones, specifically estrogen, androgen, and thyroid hormones.

5. Fragrance/Perfume.

Despite being human-made aromas, they often are a source of hidden chemicals such as phthalates, which have been linked to hormone-disrupting effects.


In case you haven’t yet noticed a pattern here, these human-made estrogens have a severe effect on your hormone balance. To recap, ‘Xeno’ means foreign, and xenoestrogens are compounds that mimic the natural estrogen in our bodies.

When your hormones are out of whack, your libido goes out the window.

Estrogen is the primary female hormone. Women naturally have a higher level of estrogen, and their body produces natural “good” estrogens which help with energy levels, libido and protect them from cancer, including breast and ovarian cancer.

But the body doesn’t know what to do with these “fake” estrogens, and estrogen dominance can negatively affect our bodies.

For women, high levels of estrogen can lead to weight gain, particularly around the hips and waist. Too much estrogen can also cause menstrual problems and a plethora of other health issues.

A small amount of estrogen is necessary for men to prevent bone loss and for sex drive. But a man with too much estrogen and not enough testosterone won’t feel right in his body.


So now what? I get it; you don’t want to be the “crunchy” one in the room.

Eat fresh organic food, exercise, and work up a sweat, shower with soap every day and switch to a deodorant that has ingredients you can pronounce. Your skin and libido will thank you for it.

I make my deodorant, and it works wonders, it only has five ingredients. You can easily download this recipe. Simply click on the picture below and save it into your device.

And remember, if you wouldn’t eat the ingredients then you shouldn’t put them on your skin.