What You’ll Learn In Episode 224:

This is the first episode ever of The Love Lab Podcast without Céline as co-host. Find out why she is not here and what the future of The Love Lab Podcast will be going forward.

Kevin Anthony 0:11
Welcome to the Love Lab podcast a safe place to get real about sex. Whether you’re a man or woman, single or couple, this is the show for you.

Céline Remy 0:20
We are your hosts, Kevin Anthony and Céline Remy and we are here to guide you to go from good to amazing in the bedroom and beyond.

Kevin Anthony 0:28
All right, welcome back to the Love Lab podcast. This is episode 224. And it is titled Where is Céline Remy?

Well, I’m gonna do my best to get through this episode. Something that we never announced publicly, or even to a lot of our friends was that Céline was dealing with a very serious health condition. And, you know, she was a trooper, through the entire thing through different treatments, through different doctors through surgeries through all kinds of stuff.

She always showed up here to do the podcast. She loved doing the podcast, we both loved doing the podcast. He knows that the idea for this podcast was actually my idea. And it came from working with her behind the scenes. So if you’ve been following Céline Remy work for a long time. You know that it was primarily her doing her stuff by herself.

So her website, even the beginning of her YouTube channel, was all her. But I was always there working in the background that was not always part of the public face. And so part of our morning routine every morning was to go take a walk through the neighborhood.

And we would just talk. And a lot of times what we would talk about were her clients, who she was working with and what their issues were and we would strategize, we would plan. Okay, so they are experiencing this, here’s something that we could help them with. And we would come up with all kinds of amazing ideas.

And at one point, I said to her, we should really record these conversations, because there’s so much valuable information in there. And she thought that was a great idea. Well, at some point, I decided podcasting was the format that I wanted to do that with. And so I approached Selena and I said, we need to do a podcast together.

And she was like, podcast, I don’t have time for a podcast. She had a lot of clients, she was, you know, dealing with a lot of other parts of the business. And I said, Okay, well let me know when you’re ready. And I really want to do this took about a year of finishing up some other projects related to the business before she decided that okay, she could now give time to the podcast.

And so that’s how we started. And I bring that up, because I want people to know that there’s so much of the work and the content that that we and she put out, that really was a co creation between the doors now I don’t want to take anything away from Céline and her legacy. She was brilliant.

She really was. She taught me a lot. And I taught her a lot too. But we were an amazing team. And we operated as a team for many, many years. And yeah, just so much of what we teach now. I mean, she brought she brought so much into it to start with before we even work together.

And then I added to it. And what we’ve co created over the last seven years really is a product of both of us. And I want to be able to keep that going. Granted the dynamics not going to be the same. I don’t have her sitting here. There’s Go back and forth. But knowing her as well as I did, and working with her for as long as I did, I know that she would want that.

And I know exactly what she would say if she were here.

So, having said that, I will continue on with the podcast, and the YouTube channel. All of the content that the two of us have created will continue to live out there for people to learn from, to benefit from.

But yes, it will be different.

One of the one of the most amazing things about being in relationship with her is that we were kind of one brain. We thought the same way, we had the same ideas, we were in agreement constantly. So I have no doubt that as this continues, you’ll be getting the same great content that we always did together.

You know, the way we used to do these shows, as far as topics go, it was really whoever was inspired. So some days, I would, you know, wake up in the morning and say, I got this great idea for a podcast. And here’s what I want to do. And she would say great run with it. And I would sit down, and I would mostly write up the show, then give it to her and then have her add anything she felt I missed or that she wanted to add from her perspective.

But many times it was the exact opposite. Many times it was her coming to me and going, I already know what we’re doing a show on. Okay, great. What is it, tell me all about it. And then she would go write it up and give it to me. And then I would add anything that I think maybe she missed or maybe some stuff from my perspective.

And then there were a lot of times where we would sit down in the morning and say, Okay, what are we doing a show on, and we would bounce ideas back and forth. And when we picked an idea, and we decided that’s what we were going to do that week’s episode on, we would sit down and write it together, we would kind of divvy it up and say, Okay, you take these parts, I’ll take those parts, and we would co create them.

The beauty of that is that I can continue to do that. Even though it won’t be quite the same. But because I wrote so many of the shows to begin with, I can continue to write shows. And because I know her so well in what she would want in the shows, I can add what she would put in the shows. So I want to keep doing that. I love showing up here every week for you guys.

I know Céline would want that. So that’s that’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to do my best throughout each show, to make sure that I honor the legacy of Céline Remy. And I’m going to do my best to have as much fun and deliver as much great content around sex, love and relationship as I possibly can.

Obviously, you’re not going to be able to hire Céline As a coach anymore, which was one of the big things that we use this podcast for was to put information out there that helps people so that then they could see one that could be helped whether or not they did anything other than listen to us. And to so that if they needed more support.

They knew we were here and they could always hire us. So you can still hire me. I’m still going to do this great work. I still have access to all of the resources that Céline And I co created together and the world still needs it. So it will go on. Other than that, I would just like to thank everybody who has listened to this show over all these years.

It’s amazing that Selena and I got to do 223 episodes together. Amazing. She never missed a single one. No matter what she was going through, no matter how bad she felt. She really was a trooper as we used to say her and I. And you know, towards the end, there were obviously physical signs that she was not doing so well.

Some people on YouTube, some viewers commented on it. We did not respond to any of those comments, it was salines wished to keep what she was going through private. And I’m still as if you’ve noticed, listening to this podcast so far, I still haven’t shared any real details about what happened. I’m not planning to at this moment. But just know that it was a long term health condition that she was dealing with for almost two years. And unfortunately, we lost that battle. So anyway

thanks, everybody for listening. I will see you in episode 225. And I will do my best to deliver the same high quality content that Selena and I delivered for 223 episodes. Thanks for listening. You’re all amazing. And I will see you next week.

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Céline Remy 11:49
And for more free exclusive content. Join us in the passion vault at Céline remy.com forward slash vault. That’s c e l i n e r e m y.com forward slash vault.

Thanks for listening. And remember, you’re amazing

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Thanks for listening and remember you are amazing.